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What is Artificial Intelligence,its type and applications

AI is a part of Computer Science.AI is anything that makes machine more intelligent. AI is a technology which can not replace human intelligence but rather it can extend human capabilities.Now a days AI is most wanted and powerful technology.Every industry wants to have its AI system because it can process very large amount of data in less time.

How does AI learn ?

The intelligence which machine having is only provided by us.So basically we provide to machine  ability to examine and create machine learning models based on inputs and desired output and we do this based on supervised learning,unsupervised learning and reinforcement learning.

Types of AI based on Strength

Weak or Narrow AI-

Narrow AI is that applied on specific domain.It can perform specific task but can not learn new things its own.It can only make decision based on programmed algorithms and trained data.For example AI powered based searches,virtual assistant,self driving cars,language translators and intelligent spam filters.

Strong and Generalized AI-

Strong is that can operate and interact wide variety and of independent and unrelated task.It can learn new task to solve new problems and can teach itself new strategies.Generalized AI is combination of many AI techniques that can perform human level of intelligence like It can learn from the past experiences as human does.

Super and conscious AI-

Super AI is that which can operate human level consciousness which would require to be self aware.
Because we are not able to define the exact level of consciousness.

Application of Artificial intelligence-

AI in Health care-
  • In last recent years AI has given lot of advantages to heath industry as diagnosis a disease faster than human.
AI in Natural Language Processing-
  • AI has enable computer to interact with human to under the Natural language of human beings.
  • Personal AI Assistant which can book a table in hotel for you and lot more.
AI in Robotics-
  • Robotics use the wide range of AI in Robot like Machine Learning,deep learning ,Natural language processing,Computer Vision,Face recognition and lot more.


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